I haved moved.


3. On the algebraicity of polyquadratic plectic points (mit Michele Fornea, preprint pdf)

2. L-invariants for cohomological representations of PGL(2) over arbitrary number fields (mit Maria Rosaria Pati, preprint pdf)

1. Plectic Stark-Heegner points (mit Michele Fornea, preprint pdf)



10. On quaternionic rigid meromorphic cocycles (pdf, to appear in Mathematical Research Letters)

9. Gelfand's trick for the spherical derived Hecke algebra (pdf, International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2022, Issue 18, 2022, 13841–13856)

8. Big principal series, p-adic families and L-invariants (with G. Rosso, pdf, Compositio Mathematica, Volume 158, Issue 2, 2022 , 409-436)

7. Invertible analytic functions on Drinfeld symmetric spaces and universal extensions of Steinberg representations (pdf, Research in the Mathematical Sciences 9, Article: 16 (2022))

6. Automorphic L-invariants for reductive groups (pdf, J. Reine Angew. Math. 779 (2021), 57–103)

5. Derived Hecke algebra and automorphic L-invariants (pdf, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Volume 372 (2019), 7767-7784)

4. Functoriality of automorphic L-invariants and applications (pdf, Doc. Math. Volume 24 (2019), 1225-1253)

3. On Shalika models and p-adic L-Functions (pdf, Isr. J. Math. Volume 226 Issue 1 (2018) 237-294)

2.  Leading terms of anticyclotomic Stickelberger elements and p-adic periods (mit F. Bergunde, pdf, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Volume 370, Number 9 (2018), 6297-6329 )

1. On the order of vanishing of Stickelberger elements of Hilbert modular forms (mit F. Bergunde, pdf, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. Volume 114, Issue 1, January 2017, 103–132)



1. Extensions of the Steinberg representation (Eine kurze Notiz über Extensionen der Steinberg-Darstellung und den Zusammenhang zur p-adischen oberen Halbebene. Eine "koordinatenfreie" Version ist Teil des Artikels "Anticyclotomic Stickelberger elements and p-adic periods".)



13.12.2022, Mittagsseminar zur Arithmetik, Universität Münster
Plectic Stark-Heegner points

12.-16.09.2022, Elliptic curves and modular forms in arithmetic geometry (celebrating Massimo Bertolini's 60th birthday), Università degli Studi di Milano
Plectic Stark-Heegner points

15.-19.08.2022, Mordell 2022 -100 years of elliptic curves, Cambridge (UK)
Plectic Stark-Heegner points

28.06.2022, Kolloquium, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Handout
L-Invarianten elliptischer Kurven

20.-24.06.2022, Galois Representations, Automorphic Forms and L-Functions, CIRM Luminy
Algebraicity of polyquadratic plectic points

23.-27.05.2022, XXXe recontres arithmétiques de Caen
Rigid meromorphic cocycles for orthogonal groups

10.03.2022, Number Theory Seminar, Università degli Studi di Padova
Algebraicity of polyquadratic plectic points

03.12.2021, Seminar des SFB/TRR 326 GAUS, Universität Heidelberg
Plectic Jacobians

11.10.2021, Warwick Number Theory Seminar
Plectic Stark-Heegner points

16.07.2021, Bielefeld Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry Seminar
Plectic Stark-Heegner points

06.07.2021, International Seminar on Automorphic Forms
Rigid meromorphic cocycles for orthogonal groups

08.06.2021, CMS 75th+1 Anniversary Summer Meeting, Ottawa, Präsentation, Handout
On quaternionic rigid meromorphic cocycles

21.10.2020, London number theory seminar
L-invariants, completed cohomology and big principal series

14.10.2020, Algebra seminar, Michigan State University
Gelfand's trick for the spherical derived Hecke algebra

27.09.2020, 2020 Québec-Maine Number Theory Conference, Präsentation, Handout
Gelfand's trick for the spherical derived Hecke algebra

24.07.2020, Members' seminar of Thematic Semester on Number Theory, CRM Montreal
Cohomology of p-arithmetic groups

30.06.2020, Oberseminar "Geometrische Analysis und Zahlentheorie", Universität Paderborn, Präsentation, Handout
Big principal series and L-invariants

10.06.2020, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Präsentation, Handout
On exceptional zeros for GL(2)

26.02.2020, Number/Representation theory seminar, University of Toronto
Automorphic L-invariants for reductive groups

21.02.2020, Algebra and Geometry Seminars, Laval University
Big principal series and L-invariants

13.02.2020, Quebec-Vermont number theory seminar, McGill University
Automorphic L-invariants for reductive groups

22.-24.07.2019, Workshop on L-invariants, Bejing International Center for Mathematical Research
Lecture series on automorphic L-invariants for reductive groups

18.07.2019, Bejing International Center for Mathematical Research
On Shalika models and p-adic L-functions

06.-08.07.2019, p-adic modular forms (satellite conference to Journées Arithmétiques XXXI), Istanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences
Automorphic L-invariants for reductive groups

28.06.2019, Seminar der Forschergruppe 'Symmetrie, Geometrie und Arithmetik', Universität Heidelberg
Automorphic L-invariants for reductive groups

15.05.2019, Forschungsseminar Algebra und Zahlentheorie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Automorphic L-invariants for reductive groups

04.10.2018, Special Values of Automorphic L-functions and Associated p-adic L-Functions, Casa Matemática Oaxaca
On Shalika models and p-adic L-functions

26.06.2018, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Derived Hecke algebra and automorphic L-invariants

20.04.2018, P-adic day in Catalonia, Cardedeu, Präsentation
Shalika models and p-adic L-functions

31.01.2018, Bielefeld Arithmetic Geometry Seminar, Universität Bielefeld
Derived Hecke algebra and automorphic L-invariants

24.01.2018, Kolloquium, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Präsentation
Automorphic L-invariants

14.12.2017, Recent Developments on the Arithmetic of Special Values of L-Functions, CIB - EPF Lausanne
Derived Hecke algebra and automorphic L-invariants

14.02.2017, P-adic methods for Galois representations and modular forms, Universitat de Barcelona
Stickelberger elements and automorphic L-Invariants

14.12.2016, Oberseminar Arithmetische und Algebraische Geometrie, LMU München
Stickelberger Elements and automorphic L-Invariants

01.12.2015, Universität Wuppertal
Shalika Modelle und p-adische L-Funktionen

16.08.2015, p-adic Hodge theory and Iwasawa theory, Universität Bielefeld
Shalika models and p-adic L-functions

16.01.2014, Forschungsseminar Arithmetische Geometrie, Universität Duisburg-Essen
P-adic L-functions for GL2n