motives Seminar-WS 2011-12


Usually, the seminar will meet at the following times and places:

Tues. 14-16 T03 R04 D10

Wed. 12-14 T03 R04 D10

Fri. 12-14 Grosser Archiv

We will usually meet once a week, but sometimes twice.The exact schedule will be announced in advance. Here is what is scheduled so far:

Oct. 25 Introductory lecture, Anastasia Stavrova  14-16 T03 R04 D10

Oct. 26 The paper of Chernousov-Gille-Merkurjev: Motivic decomposition of isotropic projective homogeneous varieties.  Anastasia Stavrova 12-14 T03 R04 D10

Nov. 2 Brosnan's paper: A Short Proof of Rost Nilpotence via Refined Correspondences Majid Hadian-Jazi  12-14 T03 R04 D10

Nov. 9 Brosnan's paper: Steenrod operations in Chow theory Marc Levine  12-14 T03 R04 D10

Nov.15  Karpenko's paper A direct construction of the Rost motive. Manish Kumar 14-16 T03 R04 D10

Nov. 22 Rost's paper The motive of a Pfister form Marc Levine  14-16 T03 R04 D10

Nov. 29 Paper of Karpenko-Merkurjev Rost projectors and Steenrod operations Marc Levine  14-16 T03 R04 D10

Dec. 6 Gille's paper: On Chow motives of surfaces. Oliver Bräunling  14-16 T03 R04 D10.

Dec. 13 Chow groups of affine quadrics and zero-cycles on quadrics, Karpenko, Algebro-geometric invariants of quadratic forms and Swan, Zero-cycles on quadric hypersurfaces. Majid Hadian-Jazi 14-16 T03 R04 D10.

Dec. 20 Continuation of the paper by Chernousov-Merkurjev Motivic decomposition of projective homogeneous varieties and the Krull-Schmidt theorem. Anastasia Stavrova  14-16 T03 R04 D10.

Jan. 17  Continuation of the paper by Chernousov-Merkurjev Motivic decomposition of projective homogeneous varieties and the Krull-Schmidt theorem. Anastasia Stavrova  14-16 T03 R04 D10.

Jan. 24 Karpenko's paper Upper motives of algebraic group and incompressibility of Severi-Brauer varieties Marc Levine 14-16h T03 R04 D10

Jan. 31 Completion of Upper motives of algebraic group and incompressibility of Severi-Brauer varieties Marc Levine 14-16h T03 R04 D10


Stavrova Motivic decomposition of projective homogeneous varieties (MS Thesis, 2007) pdf

Brosnan A Short Proof of Rost Nilpotence via Refined Correspondences, Doc. Math.  8 (2003), 69–78. pdf

Chernousov-Gille-Merkurjev Motivic decomposition of isotropic projective homogeneous varieties. Duke Math. J. 126 (2005), no. 1, 137–159. pdf

Chernousov-Merkurjev Motivic decomposition of projective homogeneous varieties and the Krull-Schmidt theorem. Transform. Groups 11 (2006), no. 3, 371–386. pdf

Karpenko A direct construction of the Rost motive. pdf

Gille (Day 6 Proof of the Milnor Conjecture Jussieu 2011) The Rost motive. pdf

Brosnan Steenrod operations in Chow theory. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 355 (2003), no. 5, 1869–1903. pdf

Rost The motive of a Pfister form preprint pdf

Karpenko-Merkurjev Rost projectors and Steenrod operations. Doc. Math. 7 (2002), 481–493. pdf 

Gille On Chow motives of surfaces. pdf

Karpenko Algebro-geometric invariants of quadratic forms. Leningrad Math J. 2 (1991) N0. 1, 119-138. pdf

Swan Zero-cycles on quadric hypersurfaces.Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 107 no.1 (1989) 43-46.pdf

Karpenko Upper motives of algebraic group and incompressibility of Severi-Brauer varieties preprint 2011 arXiv:0904.2844v3 pdf