Motivic invariants of moduli spaces
Principal Investigators
Dr. V. Hoskins (FU Berlin)Prof. Dr. A. Schmitt (FU Berlin)
Principal Investigators
Dr. V. Hoskins (FU Berlin)A. Schmitt, A remark on relative geometric invariant theory for quasi-projective varieties. Math. Nachr. 292 (2019), no. 2, 428–435.
Ángel Luis Muñoz Castañeda, A. Schmitt,, Singular principal bundles on reducible nodal curves. arxiv1911.01578 To appear: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
A.Schmitt, A general notion of coherent systems, hal-02391836
V. Hoskins, Victoria, S. Pepin Lehalleur, A formula for the Voevodsky motive of the moduli stack of vector bundles on a curve. Geom. Topol. 25 (2021), no. 7, 3555–3589.
V. Hoskins, Victoria, S. Pepin Lehalleur, On the Voevodsky motive of the moduli stack of vector bundles on a curve. Q. J. Math. 72 (2021), no. 1-2, 71–114.