GRK-Seminar Sommersem. 2024

RTG Seminar Summer term 2024

The Thursday morning seminar (10:15-11:45 in WSC-N-U-3.05) will be the “Research Training Group Seminar” where members of the RTG (PhD students, post-docs,…) present their results. Sometimes, we also have speakers from other places. Depending on the number of speakers and on the proposed topic, a speaker could use one or two sessions.

11.4.2024 Julian Quast On local Galois deformation rings
18.4.2024 Yitong Wang (Orsay) Multivariable $(\phi,\Gamma)$-modules and local-global compatibility
25.4.2024 Sebastian Bartling Moduli spaces of nilpotent displays
2.5.2024 Ludvig Modin Graded unipotent quotients over a base scheme
16.5.2024 no talk
23.5.2024 Laurent Berger (ENS Lyon) tba
6.6.2024 RTG applicants Public talks
13.6.2024 Guillermo Gamarra tba
20.6.2024 Lukas Bröring tba
27.6.2024 Symposium Düsseldorf/Essen/Wuppertal
4.7.2024 ALGANT Master Students Thesis Rehearsal
11.7.2024 Federica Santi tba
18.7.2024 Program discussion: Research seminar Winter 24/25


Ludvig Modin: Graded unipotent quotients over a base scheme

We present a new proof of the existence of projective geometric quotients for actions of a graded unipotent group acting on a projective scheme for actions that do not have unipotent stabilizers on the attracting locus. The proof works over a base scheme and without assuming the action is linear, generalizing from the original theorem which works for linear actions on complex projective varieties. If time permits we will explain a generalization of this result to Harder-Narasimhan type strata of algebraic stacks, and how one can relax the unipotent stabilizer assumption.