Forschungsseminar zur Fontaine-Mazur-Vermutung

Organizer: Vytas Paskunas,

Program: pdf


20.10. Vytas Paskunas Overview
27.10. Philipp Hartwig $(\varphi$-$\Gamma)$-Moduln
3.11. Christian Kappen Crystalline representations of $GL_2(\mathbb Q_p)$
10.11. Ulrich Terstiege Irreducible mod-$p$ representations of $GL_2(\mathbb Q_p)$ and Colmez’s functor
17.11. Vytas Paskunas Deformations of $G_{\mathbb Q}$- and $GL_2(\mathbb Q_p)$-representations
24.11. Jochen Heinloth Locally algebraic vectors in completed cohomology I
1.12. Andre Chatzistamatiou Locally algebraic vectors in completed cohomology II
8.12. Ulrich Görtz Locally algebraic vectors in completed cohomology III
15.12. Vytas Paskunas Prémière réduction
12.01. Fabian Sander Deformation to the Hecke algebra
19.01. Jeng-Daw Yu Density I
26.01. Kay Rülling Density II
02.02. Ulrich Görtz The end