Forschungsseminar Arithmetische Geometrie

Organizers: Ulrich Görtz, Jochen.Heinloth, Vytautas Paskunas.
Room: WSC-N-U-4.03

Termin Vortragender Titel
24.10.2013, 10:15 Yongquan Hu (Rennes) The Breuil-Mézard conjecture for non-scalar split residual representations
31.10.2013, 10:15 N. N. tba
07.11.2013, 10:15 Eugen Hellmann (Bonn) Density of potentially crystalline representations of fixed weight
14.11.2013, 10:15 Jan Tuitman (Leuven) Point counting on (more) general curves
21.11.2013, 10:15 Marc Palm (Hamburg) The Arthur trace formula and Weyl laws on GL(2)
28.11.2013, 10:15 Shu Sasaki (Essen) A conjecture of Artin and weight one forms I
05.12.2013, 10:15 Shu Sasaki (Essen) A conjecture of Artin and weight one forms II
12.12.2013, 10:15 Shu Sasaki (Essen) A conjecture of Artin and weight one forms III
19.12.2013, 10:15 Special SFB-seminar day lectures by Christian Liedtke
16.01.2014, 10:15 Lennart Gehrmann (Bielefeld) On $p$-adic $L$-functions for $\mathrm{GL}(2n)$
23.01.2014, 10:15 Peter Fiebig Moment graphs, parity sheaves and representation theory
30.01.2014, 10:15 N. N. tba
06.02.2014, 10:15 N. N. tba