Forschungsseminar: Kompakte Untervarietäten von $\mathcal A_g$

The aim of the seminar is to discuss recent results by Grushevsky, Mondello, Salvati Manni and Tsimerman, where the maximal dimension of a compact subvariety of the moduli space of complex principally polarized abelian varieties of dimension $g$ is determined.

Date and place: Thursday, 2-4pm, N-U-3.05. First meeting: October 10.

Program: pdf by Carolina Tamborini


10.10.2024 Introduction Carolina Tamborini
17.10.2024 Abelian varieties and their moduli space Nicolas Dupré
24.10.2024 Modular forms and Baily-Borel compactification Paolo Sommaruga
31.10.2024 Compact subvarieties of $\mathcal A_g\otimes k$ Sebastian Bartling
7.11.2024 Hodge structures and Mumford-Tate groups Saverio Caleca
14.11.2024 Variations of Hodge structures and special subvarieties Thiago Solovera e Nery
21.11.2024 Connected Shimura data Giulio Marazza
28.11.2024 Ax-Schanuel and functional transcendence Riccardo Tosi
5.12.2024 Some consequences of Ax-Schanuel for Shimura varieties Anna Borri, Linda Carnevale, Tanja Helme, Veronica Licchelli
12.12.2024 Maximal dimension of Hodge-generic compact subvariety Matteo Costantini
19.12.2024 Compact Shimura subvarieties from decoupled representations Guillermo Gamarra Segovia
9.1.2025 Maximal dimension of a compact Shimura subvariety Andreas Pieper
16.1.2025 Further topics 1 Asbjørn Michelsen
23.1.2025 Further topics 2 Daniel Greb
30.1.2025 Program discussion for next term