Konferenzen und Sommerschulen

18.07.-22.07.2022: Viertes Killing-Weierstraß-Kolloquium, Danzig
20.06.-24.06.2022: Workshop on Complex Analysis and Geometry, Essen
11.11.-12.11.2021: Mini-workshop Singular Irreducible Symplectic Varieties, Mailand
06.09.-12.09.2019: Summer school: o-Minimal Structures in Algebraic Geometry, Freiburg
11.06.-13.06.2019: Final conference of the SFP/TRR45 Bonn/Essen/Mainz, Bonn
31.03.-04.04.2019: Workshop: Higher Dimensional Complex Geometry, Saarbrücken
09.04.-13.04.2018: French-German meeting in Complex Algebraic Geometry, Luminy
28.08.-01.09.2017: Workshop Komplexe Analysis, Oberwolfach
19.10.-23.10.2016: Differential forms in algebraic geometry, Freiburg
08.02.-10.02.2016: An introductory Workshop on the Minimal Model Program, Hannover
13.07.-31.07.2015: AMS Summer Institute in Algebraic Geometry, Salt Lake City
01.06.-05.06.2015: GAel XXIII, Leuven
01.10.-02.10.2014: DMV students' conference 2014, Bochum
30.06.-04.07.2014: Differential forms on singular complex spaces, Bonn
28.10.-01.11.2013: Around Torelli's theorem for K3-surfaces, Strassbourg
03.06.-30.06.2012: Summer school of the Clay Math Institute, Obergurgl

Außerdem bin ich Teilnehmer des Joint Seminar on Complex Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis von Bochum, Essen, Köln, Wuppertal. Ich war Teilnehmer des Seminars des SFB/TR 45 von Bonn, Essen, Mainz und in meiner Zeit in Freiburg Teilnehmer des Joint Seminar in Algebraic and Complex Geometry von Basel, Freiburg, Nancy, Straßburg.

Gehaltene Vorträge

21.07.2022: Danzig, Viertes Killing-Weierstrass Kolloquium (Deformations of K3 twistor families)

08.02.2022: Lille, Algenbraic Geometry Seminar (Deformations of K3 twistor families)

26.11.2021: Bochum, Joint Seminar on Complex Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis (On the definition of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds and their singular analogues)

12.11.2021: Mailand, Mini-workshop Singular irreducible Symplectic Varieties (On the definition of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds and their singular analogues)

02.12.2020: Frankfurt, Oberseminar Algebra und Geometrie (On the definition of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds and their singular analogues)

20.01.2020: Heidelberg, Symplectic Geometry Seminar (On the definition of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds and their singular analogues)

17.07.2019: Bayreuth, Oberseminar Algebraische Geometrie (Unobstructedness of hyperkähler twistor spaces)

11.04.2019: Chemnitz, Oberseminar Algebra und Theoretische Mathematik (Fibrations of irreducible symplectic varieties)

07.07.2017: Köln, Joint Seminar on Complex Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis (Fujiki relations and fibrations of irreducible symplectic varieties