Konferenzen und Vorträge
Konferenzen und Sommerschulen
Außerdem bin ich Teilnehmer des Joint Seminar on Complex Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis von Bochum, Essen, Köln, Wuppertal. Ich war Teilnehmer des Seminars des SFB/TR 45 von Bonn, Essen, Mainz und in meiner Zeit in Freiburg Teilnehmer des Joint Seminar in Algebraic and Complex Geometry von Basel, Freiburg, Nancy, Straßburg.
Gehaltene Vorträge
21.07.2022: Danzig, Viertes Killing-Weierstrass Kolloquium (Deformations of K3 twistor families)
08.02.2022: Lille, Algenbraic Geometry Seminar (Deformations of K3 twistor families)
26.11.2021: Bochum, Joint Seminar on Complex Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis (On the definition of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds and their singular analogues)
12.11.2021: Mailand, Mini-workshop Singular irreducible Symplectic Varieties (On the definition of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds and their singular analogues)
02.12.2020: Frankfurt, Oberseminar Algebra und Geometrie (On the definition of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds and their singular analogues)
20.01.2020: Heidelberg, Symplectic Geometry Seminar (On the definition of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds and their singular analogues)
17.07.2019: Bayreuth, Oberseminar Algebraische Geometrie (Unobstructedness of hyperkähler twistor spaces)
11.04.2019: Chemnitz, Oberseminar Algebra und Theoretische Mathematik (Fibrations of irreducible symplectic varieties)
07.07.2017: Köln, Joint Seminar on Complex Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis (Fujiki relations and fibrations of irreducible symplectic varieties