Prof. Dr. Daniel Greb - Publications


My preprints on arXiv. My published papers on MathSciNet (subscription required). My Google Scholar entry.



  • Moduli of K3 families over $\mathbb{P}^1$, cycle spaces of IHS period domains, and deformations of complex-hyperkähler metrics, arXiv:2311.13420
    (with Martin Schwald)

    In the spirit of the classical theory for K3 surfaces, we construct a Hausdorff fine moduli space for families of marked K3 surfaces over smooth rational curves in the K3 period domain. This moduli space admits an étale holomorphic map to the parameter space for such rational curves, which assumes the role of a period space for this moduli problem. Over an open subset containing all twistor cycles, we construct a family of such families that is a universal small deformation for every twistor family. Finally, small deformations of K3 twistor families are shown to induce complex-hyperkähler metrics on members of the families via the original complex version of Penrose's Non-linear Graviton construction. This answers a question posed independently by Fels--Huckleberry--Wolf and Looijenga. Generalizations to higher-dimensional irreducible holomorphic-symplectic manifolds are studied throughout.

  • 1-rational singularities and quotients by reductive groups, arXiv:0901.3539

    This preprint will not be submitted; the results follow easily from those in my later paper ''Rational singularities and quotients by holomorphic group actions'' that appeared in Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa; however, the preprint gives an independent and technically simpler proof in the algebraic case and avoids the technical difficulties encountered in the analytic setup.


CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (invited, without peer review)




Reviews written by myself for Mathematical Reviews can be found here (subscription required).