SS 2024

$\bullet$ April 8th, 2024 - invited talk at the AAG Seminar in Amsterdam - A $p$-adic explicit reciprocity law for diagonal classes

$\bullet$ September 2nd, 2024 -  contribuited talk at Algebraic Number Theory - A workshop for young researchers (Universität der Bundeswehr München) - Triple product $p$-adic $L$-functions in universal deformation families

WS 2023-24

$\bullet$ November 2023 - Essen RTG  Seminar - Diagonal classes and explicit reciprocity laws

$\bullet$ December 18th, 2023 - invited talk at the Arithmetic Geometry Seminar in Milan - A $p$-adic explicit reciprocity law for diagonal classes

$\bullet$ January 31st, 2023 - invited talk at the Arithmetische und Algebraische Geometrie Seminar in Munich - A $p$-adic explicit reciprocity law for diagonal classes

SS 2023

$\bullet$ I organized the ESAGA PhD seminar on the local Langlands correspondence for $\mathrm{GL}_2$, see the dedicated webpage.

$\bullet$ August 2023 - I gave a talk in the ENTR23 workshop in Bielefeld (slides).

WS 2022-2023

$\bullet$ December 2022 - ESAGA Research Seminar - Talk 9 - The Emerton-Gee stack of rank one étale $(\varphi,\Gamma)$-modules (notes)

$\bullet$ January 2023 - ESAGA PhD Seminar - Talk 11 - Reductive groups of semisimple rank 1 (notes)

SS 2022

$\bullet$ May 2022 - ESAGA Research Seminar - Talk 7 - Explicit Jacquet-Langlands correspondence (handwritten notes - beware of typos!)

$\bullet$ July 2022 - ESAGA PhD Seminar - Talk 10 - Lifting mod p representations of profinite groups (notes)

WS 2021-2022

$\bullet$ October 2021 - ESAGA PhD Days (click here for further information)

$\bullet$ October 2021 - ESAGA Research Seminar - Talk 2 - Irrationality of zeta values (handwritten notes - beware of typos!)

$\bullet$ December 2021 - PhD Days at Università degli Studi di Milano (webpage) - An overview on p-adic L-functions (slides)

$\bullet$ January 2022 - ESAGA PhD Seminar - Talk 12 - The Siegel modular variety

SS 2021

$\bullet$ June 2021 - ESAGA PhD seminar - Talk 6 - Rigid analytic GAGA