Dr. Louis-Clément Lefèvre
I'm Mathematics teacher in classe préparatoire BCPST1 at the Lycée Hoche in Versailles. Before, I was postdoctoral researcher at the Universität Duisburg-Essen in Germany in the group of Prof. Dr. Jochen HEINLOTH and I defended my Ph.D. thesis on June 25, 2018 at the Institut Fourier in Grenoble under the supervision of Philippe EYSSIDIEUX.
Research interests
My field of research is the topology of complex algebraic varieties and the study of moduli spaces of representations of their fundamental groups (Complex Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Topology).
Ph.D. thesis
Title: Théorie de Hodge mixte et variétés des représentations des groupes fondamentaux des variétés algébriques complexes (Mixed Hodge theory and representation varieties of fundamental groups of complex algebraic varieties).
Publications and prepublications
- [4] Mixed Hodge structures on cohomology jump ideals. arXiv:2106.12339, hal-03268018.
- [3] Deformations of representations of fundamental groups of complex varieties. arXiv:1912.04787, hal-02399676.
- [2] Mixed Hodge structures and representations of fundamental groups of algebraic varieties. Advances in Mathematics, 349 (2019), 869–910. DOI:10.1016/j.aim.2019.04.028, arXiv:1806.02688, hal-01809625.
- [1] A criterion for quadraticity of a representation of the fundamental group of an algebraic variety. Manuscripta Mathematica, 152 (2017), no. 3-4, 381–397. DOI:10.1007/s00229-016-0866-7, arXiv:1509.02871, hal-01196355.
- SS 2021: Vorlesung, algebraische Topologie, Master. Professor: Jochen HEINLOTH.
- WS 2020/21:
- Übung, Intersection Cohomology, Master. Professor: Jochen HEINLOTH.
- Übung, lineare Algebra 2, Bachelor. Professor: Ingo JANISZCZAK.
- SS 2020: Übung, lineare Algebra 1, Bachelor. Professor: Ingo JANISZCZAK.
- WS 2019/20: Seminar, Polynome, Geometrie, Algorithmen, Lehramt. Professor: Jochen HEINLOTH.
- SS 2019: Übung, Geometric Invariant Theory, Master. Professor: Daniel GREB.