Massimo Bertolini
Elliptic curves, Modular forms, $L$-series, Regulators, Algebraic cycles
Ulrich Görtz
Langlands program, Shimura varieties, Moduli spaces of abelian varieties in positive characteristic
Daniel Greb
(Deputy Spokesperson)
Birational geometry, Geometric invariant theory, Kähler geometry, Moduli spaces
Georg Hein
Moduli spaces of stable vector bundles on curves and surfaces
Jochen Heinloth
Moduli stacks, Geometric Langlands program, Moduli spaces of bundles
Jan Kohlhaase
Representation theory of $p$-adic Lie groups, Arithmetic of $p$-adic Moduli spaces
Marc Levine
Algebraic cycles, Algebraic $K$-theory, Motives
Vytautas Paškūnas
Representation theory, Number theory, $p$-adic Langlands program
Johannes Sprang
Algebraic and analytic number theory, special values of $L$-functions