Summer Term 2025
Algebraic Geometry 2
Bachelorseminar LA GyGe/BK: MAthematische Miniaturen
Seminar on Stacks (Oberseminar)
Winter Term 2024/25
Algebraic geometry 1 (AlgGeom2024)
Bachelorseminar: Quiver representations
Summer Term 2024
Algebra 2 (Algebra22024)
Seminar on Stacks
Winter term 2023
PhD-Seminar: Seminar on stacks
Summer term 2023
Linear Algebra 2
Bachelorseminar Lehramt GyGe/BK
PhD-Seminar: Seminar on Stacks
Winter term 2022/23
PhD-Seminar: Seminar on Stacks
Summer term 2022
PhD-Seminar: Seminar on Stacks
Summer term 2021
Bachelorseminar Lehramt GyGe/BK
PhD-Seminar: Seminar on Stacks
Winter term 2020/21
Bachelorseminar Lehramt GyGe/BK
PhD Seminar: Seminar on Stacks
Summer term 2020
Master Seminar: Geometry of moduli stacks (Fr 14-15, online)
PhD Seminar: Seminar on stacks (Mo 16-18, online)
Winter term 2019
Master/Bachelorseminar Lehramt (GyGe/BK)
PhD-Seminar: Seminar on Stacks (Mo 14-16)
Summer term 2019
PhD-Seminar: Seminar on Stacks (Mo 14-16)
Winter term 2018
Seminar: Algebraic Geometry/Complex Geometry (Mo 16-18)
PhD-Seminar: Seminar on Stacks (Mo 14-16)
Summer term 2018
Algebraic numer theory 2 (Moodle page - use AlgebraicNumberTheory2 to register.)
Seminar: Masterseminar Lehramt (GyGe/BK)
Winter term 2017/18
Seminar on Stacks (with Timo Richarz)
Vorlesung Mathematische Miniaturen 1
Vorlesung Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
Summer term 2017
Vorlesung Mathematische Miniaturen 2
Winter term 2016/17
Mathematical miniatures
Summer term 2016
Vector bundles on curves (joint with G. Hein)
Summer term 2015
Winter term 2014/15
Seminar Introduction to topology
Summer term 2014
Algebra II
Student seminar on ellpitic curves
Algebraic groups and class fields (in English)
Winter term 2013/14
Algebra I
Student seminar on Lie Algebras
Summer term 2013
Linear Algebra II
Student seminar on Groups and Symmetries
Winter term 2012/13
Linear Algebra I
Seminar on modular forms
Summer term 2012
Complex analysis
Seminar: Coxeter groups
Winter term 2011/12
Algebraic groups
Seminar: Projective geometry